Jenny W x 30th November 2022

A little poem for you my love (Called Atoms) When you stare at something too long, you begin to see it in atoms. you start to notice every little particle in its makeup. You see all the colours, the beauty and the second glance stuff; sometimes you even see the movement too. But since summer I don’t see atoms, no I swear I see you. When I gaze at the moon till my eyes give in, I see in the blur your mischievous grin. When I’m on the highway and the lights blend to one, I find slivers of smiles that haven’t quite gone. And as Christmas arrives and the world seems to shimmer, I swear it’s you dancing in the candlelight’s glimmer. In all things beautiful and strong and true I see in their atom’s atoms of you. I treasure these times when I feel you near, because it’s in these glimpses that something becomes clear. It in these moments, as your atoms become one, that I realise a life is never quite done. For you see from ashes scattered in the wind come flowers and growth and new life begins. And in each of those things that make up our world, within them lies the essence of the original girl. So now when I have stared at something too hard and it shatters to atoms and particle shards, I see in those atoms visions of you and it’s as if you are saying I am here too.