the duck doo ??

Created by Alice 2 years ago

every summer we went to camp wowo. the trips were full of high jinks,shenanigans and endless laughter. we absolutely loved a prank, we would try our hardest to trick other campers into the thinking Ellame and I were twins, we planned similar outfits and did the same hairstyles ( sadly it never worked ) and loved scaring people, especially in the dark. but the best prank of all time was the duck doo joke. the joke went like this, Ellame\Alice: “ um we were just wondering if you knew where we can find the duck doo” and hopefully the receptionist would say: “ what’s a duck doo? “, so that Ellame and I could say the punch line, “ QUACK QUACK”. every year we would do the same joke and it would be hilarious. and one year we went to a different campsite and it went too far, we asked about  ‘where we could go to find the duck doo’ but the receptionist wouldn’t say “ what’s a duck doo?”, so we weren’t able to say the punch line! it went on like this for ages and we got random people that we had met to go up and ask him about it too. we told him that we had seen posters advertising this ‘duck doo’ and this guy was getting SO frustrated! and eventually he ended up asking all the other employees at the campsite on his radio if they had seen this ‘duck doo’ and how we laughed, our ribs became sore and mouth’s ached. and just to top it off Nancy went up and asked, “where can i find the duck doo?” AND THE LOOK ON THE MAN’S FACE!! boy we laughed. baring in mind this whole thing went on the whole time we were at the campsite and in the end we never even got to finish our joke!!! i will forever cherish these wonderful memories, and never forget that smile that you had when a prank was going well. i love you. alice elder x