The rain night

Created by Charlie one year ago
I will never forgot that night. A summers evening absoulty pouring down. You led everyone outside to the courtyard before the staff could stop us. I joined later then the others because from across the ward i could hear the singing and laughing across the ward. So we all sat in the rain and sang and laughed and layed in it. A moment of peace in our dark days and i cannot thank you enough for giving me that. For giving us all that. Because in that moment we were not our mental illness but kids messing around. . The beauty of all of us being connected. And to see eveyone laughing at the same time was truely amazing. And what followed was bundles of blankets and hot drinks. I think about that night everday and the joy it brought me. We wouldn’t have had that night without you and it wouldn’t have been the same without your pressence, without your smile. So thank you, Ellie, for the gift you gave us all that night xxx